huii akhirnya punya bloger juga -biasa ye?- buat gw ga biasa.. keinginan buat blog sebenernya dah lama.. tapi karena gw orangnya termasuk perfectionist, slalu pengen beda dari yang lain -bukan pengen lebih dari yg lain ye,, bukan gw banget itumah-, jd gw musti bikin blog sendiri alias gw bikin web buatan sendiri.. tp karna lain hal web bikinan gw ada erornya dan karna bertambah tumpulnya otak gw akan coding web... jd males buat benerin tuh web.. hehe..
alhasil ini lah blog gw.. Man Called Zonkee.. gatau knapa pake nama itu.. suddenly pops out of my head when i faced to question what's blog title... then i realize.. there's a meaning of that title..
well I made it my self actualy..
Man Called ZOnkee.. one question first come out definetly are you a man?? than I will said of course I have a penis! simple Isn't it..? Man equal to maturity.. am I mature enough? well sometime i gets mature some time don't, I called it Bo'oL - Balance of our Life..
I think every person has to have both of that nature to balance our life.. so we can made it light and not to harsh to our self..
than here goes Zonkee.. whats zonkee?? a growth nickname from my childhood then became my Identity.. what a weird name.. yup that's me.. I'm weird in your own glasses but awesome in my own glasses.. I belief in a word "every human being is unique" me, you, us is unique.. even a twins must have a differences.. that makes it worth to live..
well that's litle bit story of mine.. when you have a blog.. you has to decide.. what will I write? Computer? IT? Arts? Movie? Love Life -eeuuw-? I'm not a writer.. I will write what comes out of my head.. like i said before I'm unique.. then I will made it Unique in my own way.. follow your sincere heart than you'll find happiness inside meaningful outside..
lah kok jd bahasa inggris? ya itu salah satu keunikan gw munkin.. kadang bisa bahasa sunda juga.. kadang ejaannya juga salah, ngasal dan aneh.. hehe.. boring? will see.. ciaw.. :) (by zonkee)
wierd or weird?!!
blog yang aneh..hahaha..in my own glassess..bhehehehe...
congratz for the new blog...
heh lu gabaca? "kadang ejaannya juga salah, ngasal dan aneh.. hehe.. "
eh tp mana yg "wierd" itu? gada kok?? haha..
makasih dah mampir..
jangan bosen2 ya.. :)
pengen gw stabiloin deh yg "wierd" nya biar lo ngliat..hehe
kan lo yg maksa2 gw mampir k blg lo itu..
lanjutkan nak....mungkin lo bisa jadi raditya dika slanjutnya, bloger yg menghasilkan..au deh menghasilkan apa..hehe
mana?? coba dibaca lg deh van.. dijamin 100% gak ada tuh kata "wierd".. xp
klo gada muka lu yg gw stabiloin.. heueu..
eh gw gak maksa ya buat mampir.... haha.. tp thx berat seberat badan lu.. lop yu pull.. ^
blog lu mana?
First comment for you nih! Hihihi ... Gw lagi iseng2 baca blog loe. Aeeeh mateee ... tulisannya manteb abish daah aah! Jadi pengen nulis blog lagi deh, tapi males mulai lagi :'( Haaah ... gara2 blog gw di-hack ... hoaaxxx ...
Mantab daah Zonkee ...
dear anonymous yg 'first comment' hehe.. siapakah anda..?? thx yo dah mampir.. klo da namanya gw bisa berterimakasih lebih afdol lg nih.. ;)
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